Soon they were old enough for the first trip to the vet. So easy to put them all in one basket and off we went. A lady waiting for the vet (just cat mad) took particular notice of the kittens and just had to pick up one.
She put her hand in the wicker carrier and out came Jack.
Jack and Yoda
She fell in love instantly, and said “there is Siamese in them” we laughed and explained the mom is, but not the dad`s. I told her they are up for adoption and then Dave said not really as they are his – all his.
This made me so happy but still I knew to feed and look after them would be impossible, we need to find homes.
Well there went the opportunity to get a good home. They were all happy to be handled by the vet and injections were done. All left for me was to pay the vet bill!!! A couple of weeks later we went back for the booster shots.
I took such a nice photo of all of them as they were sleeping on a lounge chair.
This I took to work and a girl asked for a copy as he would show it to her child to choose one. He chose Yoda the black kitten. I was to wait a bit as the current cat they had was encountering problems with a stray that was moving in. Needless to say the adoption did not take place.
Jasmin at my work place offered to take Mouse, but this came when he was still very young and battling just to survive. I was too afraid that he would die, without Mom`s nurturing and the trauma of leaving at 4 weeks old, needless to say he stayed at home

Nobody wanted cats!!! Hie, Hie. Secretly I was very happy about this. One day Dave said, they are our babies stop trying to give them away. What a happy day that was. We now officially had seven cats. There were six toms and the Mommy.
Our resident cats had gotten use to the kittens, but Mom was still making sure they do not get to close.
By now they were full of the joys of life, climbing, jumping, chasing and just being kittens. They had survived!!

They have grown up so fast. Love being outside at first we left the front door ajar, later left them outside for longer periods. Mom always nearby even snoozing she would leap up to help if any one of the kittens would yelp.

Mr Tigger - his first kill -a rock :)
One early morning Dave was on his way to work. Mouse was walking towards him and did not see a monkey creep up behind him. The monkey saw Dave and made a run for it. Lucky escape little one. Apparently monkeys will attack and eat kittens.
They have discovered the orchard house which is made from shade cloth and very climbable. They love to play up in the shaded garden with mommy nearby.
This morning Missy came in for food, sopping wet except for her head. We presume she fell into the pool. We just hope the kittens will be careful as the pool level is a lot below the pool edge and they would not be able to reach to pull them selves out.
They have all progressed to sleeping outside. Big boys !!

They just love the garden. Discovering an old half drum on stilts, we use to use for a braai, well now it is their hide out. Mr. Tigger loves sleeping in it and peeps through the drum outlet to see what is approaching.
Often I would find all of them fast asleep in a bundle, looking like pieces of twain tangled up.

Mr Tigger going for a walk down the garden path.