Is it a Cat, rabbit or plane?
During the dramatic passing of my beloved Yoda there was an
appearance...........Coming home on the 10 of December 2011, I was feeding the
boys and caught a glimpse of what I thought was a rat or may be a babe rabbit.
It was dusk and in the fading light of the hot summer
afternoon. I saw it again. Looked like..........well I do not know. I saw white feet, very fast trying to make a
run at the food tray but in a flash turned and went back into the “under growth”
of the garden. The feeding cats noticed but just milled around a bit and kept
on eating.
This happened a few times. Whatever it was was obviously very hungry and
scared. It looked like it was scared of
the open space in which the cats were being fed. Soon most of the food was
eaten and the boys had taken leave from the food. As cats do they were sitting around
grooming themselves very content with life.
I closed my home`s back door and stood watching through the lace
Then it came out! Slowly then with a plunge onto the food plate. As
soon as any of the cats looked at it, it nervously moved around the plate. It
was a tiny kitten. I would estimate about
5 or 6 weeks old.
It was trying to chew the pellets but was battling to handle
the hardness of the food. My first urge was to open the door and fetch it to
come inside. But the little mite was as fast as lightening and very very wild.
With a very heavy hart I realised there was no way I was going to be able to
catch it and it was going to spend the night outside alone.
Would it survive the night?