Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dark Times

The cats have been doing well and time has flown past so fast. I actually feel guilty for not keeping a diary with their activities but due to time constraints, work changes ECT it has sadly not been done.

The boys are now 2yrs and 7months old. They were all neuter but we found them still wanting to dominate.
Having 4 boys of the same age might have been the starting point but they still persist in spraying and in the home it does not go down well. This resulted in them only allowed in while supervised.

Mr. Tigger stood next to me in the kitchen and promptly spry the cupboard resulting in a swift slap on the bum and Mr. Tigger running for the door. He sulked for a few days but seems to have got the message.

Yoda has been ever the love. Still coming in just to cuddle up to me or chew on my finger. I took a photo of him as he fell asleep with my finger in his mouth, just holding on to my finger with his canine.

Then on the 11 of December 2011 my gardener arrived and informed me something was dead on the pavement in front of our house. He was not sure if it was a cat or a dog. I went cold....My first question was what colour it was. “Black” came his response. I could not bring myself to go and look wanting to undo what had been done and fearing what I might discover. My poor husband went to look and I mustered up the courage to walk to the gate. Then no none could stop me, we found Yoda dead on the pavement next to the wall of our property. It had been raining the previous night and his little body had the marks of the rain as it parted the fur.

Dave picked him up and although we could not see any major injury, his tail had a bit of fur missing and trauma. We suspect he was hit by a car. As a 1year old he had a broken leg, which was pinned and he made a full recovery. I had hoped that this would keep him out of the street but evidently not.

I was past sadness. When you have children you can tell people about their death, you can mourn and have a funeral and everybody understands. With animal children you stand alone. I could not even cry for him as I just was too sad. I still feel his little body on my skin, the way he would drape himself over me and just purr away. Nuzzle his head under my chin and just lay there lost in space.
He would pester me while working in the garden and try to climb on my shoulder even taking photos of him was difficult as he would run up to me and try to get on to my lap. So much love to give and so unconditional how do I hang on to it? How do I keep it with me?

I miss my boy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The boys and I

The boys have all filled out since their second birthday. They seem to be more bulky. Yoda is looking more like a mini Puma than a cat.

Mr. Tigger has totally grown in to a mammas boy. The big fight for my rights boy is really just a push over. Lately he waits for the door to open in the mornings and rushes in to get a good morning cuddle. One morning this week Dave opened the door a bit late and I was in the shower. Well Mr. was not impressed.

As winter is approaching fast, they all tend to pile on the couch in the evening and snuggle up to get a hours solid cat nap. I had some socks on and Yoda could not accept this! He pounced on my foot and tried to ride rodio :)

Muis`s latest is he as learned to snuggle! Loves it when I pick him up right under my chin and cuddle. The mighty purr from his little body is unbelievable. Jack is still the shy one, but loves sleeping next to me as long as he can touch me he is more than happy even if it means one of the brothers is laying on top of him.

They still all love to chew my fingers and still sits quietly when I check their ears for ticks!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More diary new :)

The boys are getting big now! On the 9 -5-2011 they will be 2 years old.

In the past week.... Muis came home with a green nose. Well I do not know what it was but it was not coming off. Seems he smelt something green. 2 days later he was back to normal.
Coming home late one night Muis and Tigger cought a snake near my car before I could get out and low and behold I was stuck in the car!!! They were slapping and jumping while snake was spitting and took shelter under my car.
With my cell in the trunk, I sat and closed all possible accesses to the car ha ha even the air vents.
After what felt like an hour I made my dash only to find all 4 in the bottom garden with the snake. Dave saved the snake and the boys were not to happy, this was a nice toy.
Yoda has become very distant and avoided me for some reason. Today while I was hanging up washing he walked up to me streached himself out up my leg. I picked him up and he was purring away big hugs all round. I still do not know what the hell I did wrong.

They seem to hang around for supper then take a walk, then back for an hour and off they go.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Goodbye Missy

They have all established their favorite spots in and around the garden. Our back yard is a cat’s paradise, large trees, fully walled and fenced.

There is an old table outside with large cushions and they love sunning on it, with mommy watching over them. The braai still remains a very popular spot.

Missy did not come for supper and we left for a running race Dave is doing in the Transvaal province, the following morning. We would be away for two weeks. We have a house sitter come in and look after the animals and she done it for a few previous occasions.

When we arrived back home, no Missy to be found. We have looked everywhere and the house sitter said that the cats would not all be there when she was feeding them. She had left the food out morning and night and every time she came back all was empty. We were not very worried as the cats do seem to be very careful of strangest, but now Missy is really missing.

I have called and walked the garden and found a foul smell coming from a landing at the bottom of the garden near the road. I could not find the sauce and asked Dave to help. Then he found her.

She had been dead for a while. We could not determent what had happened and Dave covered her little body where she lay and made a cross for her. The kittens have been milling around us for two days and now we know why. Shame they must have been so distorted and we were not there to help. Dave felt it is his fault for going away, but things happen and I just pray it was a merciful death.

The kittens seem to be more attached to me than before and it just breaks my heart when Mr. Tigger searches under the blanket, on the sofa, for his mommy. She use to hide from them when they became too much to handle. The memories of her amazing life just floods back in my memory. In such a short time she had changed our lives and house hold so much. She trusted and loved freely and was just Missy.

She will be dearly missed.

Cats dosen and 1/2 - my boys, Diary June 2010 to Feb 2011, Getting a bit bigger - the outside world

Boys were fed outside and very confused about the ill treatment. Due to renovations to our home being done. We have moved the lounge into the dining room as the lounge is due to be tilled. My mom is coming for a visit as well and we need space to live. The result of this is that the” boy`s room”. Where they were born and raised is now our lounge. They will be let inside tomorrow.
Last night I was packing up the lounge as the floor is to be tiled. After the area was inspected by all four brothers. Muis decided to mark the wall and ran full ball out of the lounge towards the front door. As he passed me I reached to smack him and only touched his bum with the tip if my fingers. The result was one bewildered cat spinning on the tile floor. The other boys decided to leave, just in case the crazy lady got hold of them to. Yoda remained to help. He was love himself. Just had to be hugged and carried around. As soon as he was ignored, I was bitten and used as a scratch pole. He loves the attention when I scold him and this is not helping his behavior. As soon as I walked away he would dash and grab me around the ankle, dragging him with me. Pure love as I pick him up and the green eyes gaze at me. Thus I had to try to clear the boxes while holding a cat in one arm. I gave it up as a bad job after about ½ hour and went to bed.
Tigger was late for breakfast and came in for an early morning hug while I was eating breakfast. He just loves sitting on my lap wrapped in a blanket as the mornings are chilly +- 10 degrees.
Tillers and contractors have left. Ouma came to visit and the boys were very cautious around her.
The spraying became bit much and as I was at home for the week off to the Vet we went and snip snip all the boys…. Shame they were all bit unhappy for a few days. Now week and a half later all are much happier. They are slowly regaining the confidence to come in to the house and of course Mr. Tigger was the first to be back on the couch. I was hanging up washing yesterday after noon and Muis came past. Not his don’t touch me self but hey I need love self. I sat with him a while, in the sun and he just loved being stroked and tummy tickled.
Brock’s food is just becoming very expensive and I have changed him to polony and cooked chicken. He is missing the cat pellets and got stuck into the kitten’s food. I hope he does not break out. I am at my wits wend with him. He just seems to be allergic to most things!!
Brock hates the polony but is looking good. He misses the cat pellets but so far so good. Kittens are back visiting at night and Mr. Tigger loves sleeping on the couch. Last night he attacked and slapped yoda. Yoda retaliated and we had fisty cuffs in the lounge lol. Took a full 2 minutes and all was forgotten. Jack has taken to sleeping on the chair in the dining room and only coming to play after his snooze. Mouse is still not happy to come inside but takes the occasional stroll through the house. The spraying seems to have stopped with the odd occasion happening, I still keep a watchful eye.
Cozy home with happy cats J Yoda was impossible. Would not leave me alone and begged for attention. He scratched the chair on purpose while I was working on the computer as he just craved the attention of scolding. I would pick him up and blow on his tummy and he just loves it. Normally a cat would be upset by being messed up and leave the room. Not Yoda he just came back for more. Loves lying on my lap while I work on the computer and insists on chewing on my fingers.
Brock is still doing well. He is sly by slipping out the front door running around the house and then stealing the boys supper at the backdoor. He has not broken out in a rash so far so good.
All 5 were snoozing on the couch last night. I heard a noise outside the window and called for Muis. Then Muis who has been very skittish came sneaking into the lounge. Fist smelling the house the came to me put his front paws on the couch. Took one look and saw all his siblings, well he jumped up and just made himself at home on top of them. This only lasted about 20 min. Jack has turned into a real couch potato. He loves to come in for his snooze after supper. Mr Tigger just takes over Dave`s side of the couch and spreads out.
We are wondering if a neighbor has not had Brock injected (cortisone) as he is not breaking out and have been eating tinned cat food.
Brock….I was in the kitchen and the familiar short meow from Brock rang out behind me. There is Brock sitting with a slice of toasted bread in his mouth. He basically wanted me to cut it in smaller blocks for him. The bread was covered in sand and I chucked it out of the back door. The boy ran and retrieved it came back with the same action. After a second refusal he sat at the back door chewing the crust off. He must have stolen the dog next door`s food!!
Mr Tigger is constantly late for his food, but has got into the habit of looking for Dave or myself and then insisting to be fed.

Brock chewing himself slightly, but tummy still not (pink) infected. The boys are doing well and as summer is approaching fast, the seem to enjoy the time outside after supper more and less snoozing on the couch.
Muis has been very naughty, waiting for his siblings to fall asleep then jumping on them and tackling/wrestling them. This went to the extent where Mr. Tigger jumped up and chased him out off the house and we did not see them again for the rest of the night.
Last night after walking we came home and instead for first feeding the cats we went to shower. Mr Tigger was totally fascinated. He stood at the door and the expression on his face was priceless. We have a large walk in shower with twin shower heads, it looks like a mini waterfall, and in front of this is glass. Soon the glass was steamed up and water still falling hard. He eventually gathered up enough courage to enter the door of the bathroom but just sat there with ears twitching and brow frowning. Wish I had him on camera as I fail to describe his expression.
Only Jack and Mr. Tigger came in after supper for a cat nap. As the weather is warming up, the boys tend to linger outside longer.
Brock has been sick for 2 weeks. Has had antibiotic injection which helps then something ells which just made him break out more. He is being bathed in f10 shampoo and hates it but is seems to be helping.
Tigger is into regular 21h00 in and on the couch sleeping; mouse comes and naps for 5 min the out again. Boys were in trouble on Saturday as the caught a baby bird. Dave did the rescue and I took it to the wild life center – fiscal shrike- they were happy to keep him and will release once he is old enough.
Yoda is a real love and follows me around, loves being manhandled and hugged. Jack is a bit shyer and does not come for his regular snooze at evening time any more.
Brock is much better; he is back on the green pea and venison pellets. The boys in to a routine of eating supper the coming back after about an hour and snoozing until I put them out for the night. Yoda is my shadow; he follows me everywhere I go. Loves sitting on my lap while I am working on the computer and scratches the chair if he does not get constant attention. He enjoys tight hugs and being ruffed up. Mouse has been keeping to himself lately, but last night he was on my lap and all purrs. He does not want to lay beside me but on me.
Planting new plans in the garden, Yoda being a real pest. He just wants to climb on your lap or tries to sit on your back!!! Followed me everywhere I went, even in the rain. Brock could not bath this weekend but his skin seems to be fine. Feeding him polony, which he hates. Tigger just wants cuddles and Mouse has taken to coming late +- 21h00 to sit on my lap.
Yoda did not come for supper. Later Dave found him in the spare bedroom with Mouse. He was covered in drool. Seems his hip or leg is broken. As 18h00 all vets closed on Sunday night. Made him comfortable and waited for morning. Just breaks my heart. What happened?
Yoda had a pin placed in his femur. Very bad break in the top of the leg. Sleeping over at the vet. All the other cats seem to be scared and stayed in formation around the home.
Back at home!!! Picked Yoda up from the vet after work. He as not eaten from Saturday, but is drinking water. Had a bit to eat tonight when I fed him. He has 10 stitches 2 cuts and lot of bruising and bare bum J the vet says he will be fine as he is young but may not climb stairs of trees. I have to kept him in the house for a week or two (more like 6)
The broken babe is doing fine, very sore and uncomfortable but loving the attention.
Mr Yoda has taken out his stitches. He had 10 now only 5 left. The vet appointment is for Saturday; let’s hope it all goes well. He went for a walk on Saturday, strait down to the pool area and all he wanted to do is roll in the sand. Luckily I caught him fast enough. Then today climbed over the kitchen door (stable doors) and went walk about in the back garden for +- 5min. He is walking better every day. Yoda has lost a lot of weight. Tigger and he curled up on the couch for the afternoon. It seems he is missing the company of his brothers.
Brock is much better but sneaking cat pebbles. Being fed polony and chicken.
Dr. happy with yoda, but the fall did prolong the treatment.
Yoda refused to come back inside after breakfast. Spent the whole day up on the orchard houses roof, sun tanning. I caught him supper time and back to lock up.
Black babe really wants to go outside. Still on pain tabs. Tigger has really been the big brother. Visiting and licking. The others do not like the closed doors and tend to stay outside. Sam still curling up on the sofa and napping most of the nights. Yoda is limping badly but putting on some weight.
Yoda has spent last 4 days outside. Sleeping inside and very happy. The limp is getting a bit better as per vet will need next operation by 15-20 December. Sam our ginger tom, asking for soft food lately and I have given up with Brock. He is being fed on normal food with bits of polony or meat and left to eat the cat pellets if he so desires.
Tigger is still very much a mamma’s boy and has such a loving nature. Loves to wind around your legs and sleeps on the couch but only after a cuddle. Mouse is coming in regular at +- 20h30 pm to get some love and then puts himself to bed. Jack is acting a bit wild but does not mind me picking him up for a cuddle but do not hold on to long mommy!!
I was out last night and came home later. All the boys had had supper but were very happy to sit behind my legs as I curled up on the sofa. I was feeding them spare rib and bits cut off, one at a time. They were so patient waiting for their piece fully trusting that mommy would share fairly. They reminded me of little birds waiting to be fed, all sitting up straight on the sofa with their front paws on my leg and mouths open J
Yoda has elected to sleep outside with the boys but only when it is not raining. He is walking with a limp but playing with the other and the pin is to be removed 15 -20 December. Muis comes in and insists sitting on my lap, like he just needs loving, but just 10min then off again. Jack came to see what I was doing (pulling out weeds in the yard) as I ignored him he cam e closer and more persistent. He just loved being picked up and kissed all over. Normally he would run away but not this time. Tigger spent his day sleeping in the spare room, must have been jolling all night. Brock has put on a lot of weight and is looking good, has not been bathed for 3 weeks and needs one now. Still scratches but seems to be under control eating normal cat tin food, pollony and pellets. Sam`s skin has improved just by changing his diet to normal supermarket food and not vets specialized food.
Yoda is back at the vet. The pin is being removed. He is not a happy choppy. Took him home the same day and already 2 stitches has been chewed and removed. The other cats all very interested in him. Brock is scratching but much fatter seems the vomiting has disappeared since he is off vet food.
All doing well. Yoda decides when he wants to sleep inside or out. He seems to be hanging around Tigger a lot, best of brothers. Muis is craving loving and still coming in to sit and cuddle at night. Jack is a bit wilder and not wanting to be with us as much but still does not mind being picked up and hugged.
Jack has had some type of accident. He has lost all the hair down to the skin on his cheek bones. On closer investigation it seems that he has bruised his nose as well. His teeth are fine, seems he fell pretty hard. I have noticed he loves sitting in the fan palm tree, but this is only +- 2m above the ground.
Yoda seems to be walking with less of a limp and Dave has seen him running full speed up the drive way.
Mr Tigger is coming to say good morning. Recently he is coming down to my bedroom to meu a good morning and gets a cuddle every morning before breakfast. As soon as he hears Dave call and put the feeding dishes down he is off as a flash to eat. This morning he was followed by Yoda. It is a hot tropical rainy day and Muis was scouting all the windows to find an opening so that he can stay in all day.
Jack and Muis have been curling up to sleep in the dining room, after supper the last few nights. It is so precious seeing them sleep in each other’s arms.
The boys have taken to sleeping in the garage. We have had 5 days of intermittent rain and they have made a plan as we say in local custom. :0 Two doors down we have had new people move in, bringing with them a long haired black cat. Not scared but carful around us, the boys don`t seem to mind it and he was also in the garage when I came home from work. It is actually quite cool driving around with a car covered in cat paws.
Dave saw Mr. Tigger in the garage and remembered to close the open window. No more playing in the garage boys! I was hanging up the washing on Saturday morning, full African sun is out and it is scorching hot. I saw a dead snake at the end of the washing line ling belly up on the ground. A very bright yellow-green snake about 40cm long. Then along come Jack….. He crouches then wiggles the bum to get ready to pounce and jumps on the snake, just ignoring all my warnings of NO JACK! , Shooing him away as best as I can. No avail, then he grabs the snake and disappears around the corner of the house.
Later that night I saw the boys all gathering in the dining room under the table. I was talking to my mom on the phone and walked through to see what they were doing. Well poor mom, she just got a string of the F * word. They were playing with the snake! Yoda was rolling on the ground with the snake around him. Well Dave had to come and take their newly found toy away, much to the disgust of the boys.
We arrived home late and found an invasion of ants in the kitchen. They had found the open cat food bag. Dave sprayed the outside window ledge with Dye-ant. Not very happy with this I tried to keep the kitchen window closed. This is situated above my stove top and some of the boy hang out here when I am cooking, waiting for tidbits. I sort of burnt (lightly lol) the leftover food while we were eating. I opened the window to get the smoke out and low and behold Muis gets on the windowsill. I tried to wash his feet as well as possible with a cat that has never been bathed. He was not too impressed and will be avoiding me for a long time.
First thing this morning, when I opened my eyes was to go check on Muis. He is alive and well. Sjoe what a scare.
It has been very hot here. The boys have lost appetites but Brock is doing well. Hated his bath on Saturday, but is looking all the better for it. Muis and Yoda are very lysergic and have lost weight. I am still worried about the Dye-ant and knowing that my neighbor has also put out poison for ants. Due to the heat the snakes are out as well and the boys love catching things. Guess I am just very worried about the boys and jumping to conclusions.
Yoda came to say good morning and just stretched out on my bed. He lovvvvves lazing and turns into a slinky long cat when every, he can get on to the bed.
I bought new brand of pellets and all the cats seem too happy. Muis and Jack tend to come in at night for a lap sitting session and lots of stroking. Mr. Tigger and Yoda are still coming to say good morning. As soon as Dave calls the food call they are gone in a flash for breakfast.
All the boys are fine. Yoda has taken to snuggle an afternoon nap on my bed and this ends up with my toes being chewed, no rest for the weary. J Mr Tigger and Yoda tend to come in for pre-night naps. After supper they all disappear and do the bathing ritual, then doddle back to the lounge for a nice snooze before being put out to sleep at 22h00. Brock has picked up a large amount of weight and looks very podgy, still being bathed at least 2x a month but looking much better. I cannot believe the amount of money I have wasted on expensive prescription food, when they are all looking much better on normal supermarket food.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Getting a bit bigger - the outside world

Soon they were old enough for the first trip to the vet. So easy to put them all in one basket and off we went. A lady waiting for the vet (just cat mad) took particular notice of the kittens and just had to pick up one.

She put her hand in the wicker carrier and out came Jack.

Jack and Yoda

She fell in love instantly, and said “there is Siamese in them” we laughed and explained the mom is, but not the dad`s. I told her they are up for adoption and then Dave said not really as they are his – all his.

This made me so happy but still I knew to feed and look after them would be impossible, we need to find homes.

Well there went the opportunity to get a good home. They were all happy to be handled by the vet and injections were done. All left for me was to pay the vet bill!!! A couple of weeks later we went back for the booster shots.

I took such a nice photo of all of them as they were sleeping on a lounge chair.

This I took to work and a girl asked for a copy as he would show it to her child to choose one. He chose Yoda the black kitten. I was to wait a bit as the current cat they had was encountering problems with a stray that was moving in. Needless to say the adoption did not take place.

Jasmin at my work place offered to take Mouse, but this came when he was still very young and battling just to survive. I was too afraid that he would die, without Mom`s nurturing and the trauma of leaving at 4 weeks old, needless to say he stayed at home


Nobody wanted cats!!! Hie, Hie. Secretly I was very happy about this. One day Dave said, they are our babies stop trying to give them away. What a happy day that was. We now officially had seven cats. There were six toms and the Mommy.

Our resident cats had gotten use to the kittens, but Mom was still making sure they do not get to close.

By now they were full of the joys of life, climbing, jumping, chasing and just being kittens. They had survived!!

They have grown up so fast. Love being outside at first we left the front door ajar, later left them outside for longer periods. Mom always nearby even snoozing she would leap up to help if any one of the kittens would yelp.

Mr Tigger - his first kill -a rock :)

One early morning Dave was on his way to work. Mouse was walking towards him and did not see a monkey creep up behind him. The monkey saw Dave and made a run for it. Lucky escape little one. Apparently monkeys will attack and eat kittens.

They have discovered the orchard house which is made from shade cloth and very climbable. They love to play up in the shaded garden with mommy nearby.

This morning Missy came in for food, sopping wet except for her head. We presume she fell into the pool. We just hope the kittens will be careful as the pool level is a lot below the pool edge and they would not be able to reach to pull them selves out.

They have all progressed to sleeping outside. Big boys !!

They just love the garden. Discovering an old half drum on stilts, we use to use for a braai, well now it is their hide out. Mr. Tigger loves sleeping in it and peeps through the drum outlet to see what is approaching.

Often I would find all of them fast asleep in a bundle, looking like pieces of twain tangled up.

Mr Tigger going for a walk down the garden path.