The cats have been doing well and time has flown past so fast. I actually feel guilty for not keeping a diary with their activities but due to time constraints, work changes ECT it has sadly not been done.
The boys are now 2yrs and 7months old. They were all neuter but we found them still wanting to dominate.
Having 4 boys of the same age might have been the starting point but they still persist in spraying and in the home it does not go down well. This resulted in them only allowed in while supervised.
Mr. Tigger stood next to me in the kitchen and promptly spry the cupboard resulting in a swift slap on the bum and Mr. Tigger running for the door. He sulked for a few days but seems to have got the message.

Yoda has been ever the love. Still coming in just to cuddle up to me or chew on my finger. I took a photo of him as he fell asleep with my finger in his mouth, just holding on to my finger with his canine.
Then on the 11 of December 2011 my gardener arrived and informed me something was dead on the pavement in front of our house. He was not sure if it was a cat or a dog. I went cold....My first question was what colour it was. “Black” came his response. I could not bring myself to go and look wanting to undo what had been done and fearing what I might discover. My poor husband went to look and I mustered up the courage to walk to the gate. Then no none could stop me, we found Yoda dead on the pavement next to the wall of our property. It had been raining the previous night and his little body had the marks of the rain as it parted the fur.
Dave picked him up and although we could not see any major injury, his tail had a bit of fur missing and trauma. We suspect he was hit by a car. As a 1year old he had a broken leg, which was pinned and he made a full recovery. I had hoped that this would keep him out of the street but evidently not.
I was past sadness. When you have children you can tell people about their death, you can mourn and have a funeral and everybody understands. With animal children you stand alone. I could not even cry for him as I just was too sad. I still feel his little body on my skin, the way he would drape himself over me and just purr away. Nuzzle his head under my chin and just lay there lost in space.
He would pester me while working in the garden and try to climb on my shoulder even taking photos of him was difficult as he would run up to me and try to get on to my lap. So much love to give and so unconditional how do I hang on to it? How do I keep it with me?
I miss my boy.

I miss the hugs he would give me in the morning when i fed them. Sometimes at night he would come sit on my lap for a few minutes just to say hello, I miss him loads.